@article{99779, keywords = {Hansen's disease, Healthcare, leprosy, Prejudice, Social Isolation, Social Stigma}, author = {Souza G and de Oliveira P and de Araujo P and Santos F and da Silva J and Santos K and Fortuna C}, title = {Experiences of social stigma of people living with Hansen's disease in Brazil: silencing, secrets and exclusion.}, abstract = {

Background: Hansen's disease is a chronic, infectious and transmissible disease that is considered a public health problem in Brazil. Hansen's disease is marked by stigma and prejudice, because it carries with it a strong negative social image, reinforced by policies of social isolation in the community.

Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in Ribeirão Preto, an inland city of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Eleven patients under treatment for the disease were interviewed. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed in full, then were analyzed through the stages of transcription, transposition and reconstitution, as informed by concepts proposed by Goffman.

Results: The results showed that the marks of stigma are still present in the twenty-first century and were presented in two axes: 'Stigma and work for the person affected by Hansen's disease' and 'The experience of stigma in the family'. The participants refer to fears of losing their jobs and of being ridiculed, which stops them talking about the disease. Regarding their families, the participants reported episodes of discrimination, the creation of family secrets and fear of relatives' reactions.

Conclusions: All these aspects interfere in the follow-up and treatment of patients and need to be considered and welcomed by health professionals. It is recommended that these aspects are addressed in the initial training and continuing education of health professionals.

}, year = {2024}, journal = {International health}, volume = {16}, pages = {i60-i67}, month = {03/2024}, issn = {1876-3405}, url = {https://academic.oup.com/inthealth/article/16/Supplement_1/i60/7636805?login=false}, doi = {10.1093/inthealth/ihae005}, language = {eng}, }