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Trichiasis surgery for trachoma, 3rd ed

The first edition of this manual, containing information about the bilamellar tarsal rotation procedure for entropion trachomatous trichiasis (TT), was published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1993.

The second edition, published by WHO in 2015, updated the original material on the bilamellar tarsal rotation procedure, and incorporated material from two other manuals on the posterior lamellar tarsal rotation (modified Trabut) procedure and the final assessment of candidate TT surgeons.

This third edition updates the definition of TT to that agreed at the fourth Global Scientific Meeting on Trachoma (Geneva, 27–29 November 2018), adds a description about how to examine for entropion, refines the lists of instruments and consumables required for surgery, expands and improves the guidance on post-operative care, includes updated illustrations, refines the presentation throughout and removes redundant material.

The manual is designed to provide specific information for TT trainers who are training others to undertake surgery for TT. It is divided into two parts. Part One covers the specific skills required for training TT surgeon candidates and serves as a resource document. Each section begins with one or more specific learning objectives; most include practice exercises. Trainers can use this manual as a guide for creating training presentations, use it in other ways to assist in training, or elect to have trainees read the material directly. The manual contains both knowledge that should be imparted during training and a description of the skills to be developed and assessed during practice and surgery sessions. Part Two is designed only for the trainers of the surgeon trainees and covers selection and final assessment of the trainees.

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