@article{24305, keywords = {Stigma, Physical disability, Mental Health, leprosy, Comorbidities, Chronic pain}, author = {Rocha-Leite C I and Borges-de-Oliveira R and Machado P R L and Pettersen K M and Trinchão M and Morais-de-Jesus M and Andrade-Nascimento M and Daltro-Oliveira R and Quarantini L C}, title = {Mental disorders in leprosy: High prevalence and low psychiatric care}, abstract = {

Leprosy is an infectious disease with high physical disability and is strongly associated with chronic pain, since there may be significant impairment of the peripheral nervous system. Additionally, the stigma associated with the label of leprosy persists and imposes a high social commitment of the disease.

}, year = {2013}, journal = {European Psychiatry}, volume = {28}, url = {http://www.europsy-journal.com/article/S0924-9338(13)76856-1/pdf}, doi = {10.1016/S0924-9338(13)76856-1}, language = {eng}, }