@article{24399, keywords = {Elephantiasis, Filarial, Humans, International Agencies, Lymphedema}, author = {Brantus P}, title = {[Management of lymphoedema due to lymphatic filariasis: experience of the Handicap International Federation].}, abstract = {

The author reports results obtained by the Handicap International Federation in two projects to combat lymphatic filariasis in Madagascar and in Burkina Faso. The strategies and activities combine a minimal package of activities (hygiene, prevention of skin injuries, exercise, elevation of lymphoedema, wearing comfortable shoes). The integration of these activities makes it possible to care for limb problems encountered in other neglected tropical diseases (leprosy, Buruli ulcers, and podoconiosis).

}, year = {2013}, journal = {Medecine et sante tropicales}, volume = {23}, pages = {231}, month = {2013 May 01}, issn = {2261-2211}, url = {http://www.jle.com/download/-mst-298057-prise_en_charge_du_lymphdeme_du_a_la_filariose_lymphatique_experience_de_la_federation_handicap_international-VG9ap38AAQEAAHE0GGMAAAAC.pdf}, doi = {10.1684/mst.2013.0217}, language = {fre}, }