@article{25174, keywords = {Water Purification, Tropical Climate, Sanitation, Neglected Diseases, Hygiene, Humans, Health Policy, Cooperative Behavior, Communicable Diseases, Communicable Disease Control, Animals}, author = {Freeman MC and Ogden S and Jacobson J and Abbott D and Addiss D and Amnie A and Beckwith C and Cairncross S and Callejas R and Colford JM and Emerson P and Fenwick A and Fishman R and Gallo K and Grimes J and Karapetyan G and Keene B and Lammie P and Macarthur C and Lochery P and Petach H and Platt J and Prabasi S and Rosenboom JW and Roy S and Saywell D and Schechtman L and Tantri A and Velleman Y and Utzinger J}, title = {Integration of water, sanitation, and hygiene for the prevention and control of neglected tropical diseases: a rationale for inter-sectoral collaboration.}, abstract = {

Improvements of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure and appropriate health-seeking behavior are necessary for achieving sustained control, elimination, or eradication of many neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Indeed, the global strategies to fight NTDs include provision of WASH, but few programs have specific WASH targets and approaches. Collaboration between disease control programs and stakeholders in WASH is a critical next step. A group of stakeholders from the NTD control, child health, and WASH sectors convened in late 2012 to discuss opportunities for, and barriers to, collaboration. The group agreed on a common vision, namely "Disease-free communities that have adequate and equitable access to water and sanitation, and that practice good hygiene." Four key areas of collaboration were identified, including (i) advocacy, policy, and communication; (ii) capacity building and training; (iii) mapping, data collection, and monitoring; and (iv) research. We discuss strategic opportunities and ways forward for enhanced collaboration between the WASH and the NTD sectors.

}, year = {2013}, journal = {PLoS neglected tropical diseases}, volume = {7}, pages = {e2439}, issn = {1935-2735}, url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3784463/pdf/pntd.0002439.pdf}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pntd.0002439}, language = {eng}, }