@misc{25455, keywords = {Water supply - standards, Trends, supply and distribution., Sanitation, Drinking water}, author = {World Health Organization and Unicef }, title = {Progress on drinking water and sanitation: 2014 update.}, abstract = {

Even though progress towards the MDG target represents important gains in access for billions of people around the world, it has been uneven. Sharp geographic, sociocultural and economic inequalities in access persist and sometimes have increased. This report presents examples of unequal progress among marginalized and vulnerable groups.

Section 1 presents the status of and trends in access to improved drinking water sources and sanitation. Section 2 provides a snapshot of inequalities in access to improved drinking water sources and sanitation. Section 3 presents efforts to strengthen monitoring of access to safe drinking water and sanitation services under a post-2015 development agenda, as well as the challenges associated with these efforts.




}, year = {2014}, pages = {78 p.}, publisher = {World Health Organization, Unicef}, address = {Geneva}, isbn = {978 92 4 150724 0}, url = {http://www.wssinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/resources/JMP_report_2014_webEng.pdf}, language = {eng}, }