@article{26483, keywords = {schistosomiasis, preventive chemotherapy, Elimination}, author = {Savioli L and Fenwick A and Rollinson D and Albonico M and Ame SM}, title = {An achievable goal: control and elimination of schistosomiasis.}, abstract = {

Comment on: "An audacious goal: the elimination of schistosomiasis in our lifetime through mass drug administration". [Lancet. 2015 May 30th]

}, year = {2015}, journal = {Lancet }, volume = {386}, pages = {739}, issn = {1474-547X}, url = {http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736(15)61536-7.pdf}, doi = {10.1016/S0140-6736(15)61536-7}, language = {eng}, }