@article{27054, keywords = {Sustainability, Global south, eLearning, Community based rehabilitation , Capacity building}, author = {Dagys K and Popat A and Aldersey H}, title = {The applicability of eLearning in community-based rehabilitation.}, abstract = {

      Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) strives to enhance quality of life for individuals with disabilities and their families by increasing social participation and equalizing opportunities in the global south. Aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals, CBR also aims to address the high rates of poverty faced by individuals with disability. Empowerment, a pillar of CBR, involves strengthening the capacity of people with disabilities, their families, and their communities to ensure reduction of disparities. This article outlines a scoping review that guided by the question: “What is known from the existing literature about the applicability of eLearning for capacity building in CBR?” This review did not uncover literature related to eLearning in CBR; however findings suggest that other disciplines, not explicitly tied to CBR, currently use eLearning to educate and empower professionals in the global south. We argue that eLearning technology could be an effective and sustainable solution for CBR programming in the global south for capacity development. Such technology could increase individuals with disabilities’ access to education and could provide opportunities for wider dissemination of knowledge, beyond typical funding cycles. With a goal of informing future CBR practice in eLearning, this article concludes by highlighting key lessons taken from other disciplines that have utilized eLearning in the global south.






}, year = {2015}, journal = {Societies}, volume = {5}, url = {http://www.mdpi.com/2075-4698/5/4/831/htm}, doi = {10.3390/soc5040831 }, language = {eng}, }