@article{28196, keywords = {Skin Diseases, Psychological aspects, India, Children}, author = {Thomas R and Chavan SS}, title = {A study to assess psychosocial problem in children with skin disease in a selected hospital in Mangalore.}, abstract = {

Living with psychosocial problem, especially if it is chronic or recurring, can make them exhausted, overwhelmed and helpless. Recognizing the negative thoughts is a part of the psychosocial patient road to recovery.
Materials and methods: A descriptive research design was used for the present study. The sample consisted of 100 dermatological patients. Data was collected by administering rating scale.
Results: The findings of present study highlights that that majority, 54% of subjects have severe psychosocial problems, 31% have moderate psychosocial problems and 15% of subjects have mild psychosocial problems.
Conclusion: It has been estimated that children with dermatological conditions have an increased risk of developing psychosocial problems in their life. Association between psychosocial problem and skin disease highly depend on the severity of the condition.


}, year = {2015}, journal = {Global Journal For Research Analysis}, volume = {4}, language = {eng}, }