@article{32088, keywords = {Stigma, Disability, Positive psychology, Resilience}, author = {Ysasi NA and Chen R and Jones M}, title = {Positive approaches to overcoming the stigma of disability.}, abstract = {

People with disabilities often face prejudice and discrimination because of their physical and/or mental deviance from norms subjectively defined by society. The stigma associated with having a disability can have a negative impact on the quality of life among this population. The purpose of this paper is to discuss theory-based strategies and approaches that people with disabilities can adopt to overcome and mitigate the adverse effects of a stigmatizing disability. Specifically, the paper uses the hope theory and positive psychology theory as foundations to pave way for weaving spiritual well-being, resilience, and optimism into psychoeducation efforts to help people with disabilities reconstruct their schemas toward the self-acceptance of disability and the empowerment of their rights to advocate for full integration in society.



}, year = {2018}, journal = {Journal of disability studies}, volume = {4}, pages = {3-8}, url = {http://pubs.iscience.in/journal/index.php/jds/article/download/778/496}, language = {eng}, }