@misc{33370, keywords = {Skin health, Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)}, author = {(IFD) TIFD}, title = {Community Skin Health Journal}, abstract = {

The Community Skin Health Journal (CSH) is the official Journal of the IFD (formerly known as the Community Dermatology Journal). It is a dermatology resource for healthcare workers in under-served areas and provides up to date, relevant information on the diagnosis and treatment of skin disease. It is a useful resource for educating health workers and the populations they serve and for keeping in touch with dermatology services in low-resource areas.

The Journal is published twice a year with over 10,000 copies sent to more than 180 countries free of charge. You can also download the CSH Journal App here on Android and iOS

}, year = {2019}, address = {United Kingdom}, url = {https://www.ilds.org/what-we-do/project-and-programme/community-skin-health-journal/}, language = {eng}, }