@article{93153, keywords = {Sanitation, schistosomiasis, Brazil}, author = {Saucha C and da Silva J and Amorim L}, title = {Condições de saneamento básico em áreas hiperendêmicas para esquistossomose no estado de Pernambuco em 2012}, abstract = {Objective: to characterize schistosomiasis hyperendemic areas in Pernambuco regarding sanitation conditions and to recommend environmental intervention measures favoring the sustainability of actions to confront the disease. Methods: this is a descriptive epidemiological study using the data obtained in the "Report on the sanitation conditions of locations where schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths are hyperendemic in Pernambuco", prepared by Pernambuco State Executive Health Surveillance Department in 2012. Results: among the 119 hyperendemic locations, 72 (60.5%) had no water supply network, 110 (92.4%) had no sewage collection network and 116 (97.5%) had no sewage treatment facilities. Conclusion: the hyperendemic locations had poor sanitation conditions and this contributed to high schistosomiasis prevalence. The awareness of municipal service managers therefore needs to be raised to ensure effective sanitary improvement actions to guarantee schistosomiasis control sustainability.}, year = {2015}, journal = {Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde}, volume = {24}, pages = {497-506}, publisher = {Instituto Evandro Chagas}, issn = {1679-4974}, url = {http://www.scielo.br/pdf/ress/v24n3/2237-9622-ress-24-03-00497.pdf}, doi = {10.5123/s1679-49742015000300015}, language = {por}, }