@article{94199, keywords = {Neglected Tropical Diseases, deworming, electronic data collection, monitoring, soil-transmitted helminths}, author = {Oswald W and Kennedy D and Farzana J and Puthupalayam Kaliappan S and Atindégla E and Houngbégnon P and Chisambi A and Witek-McManus S and Galagan S and Emmanuel-Fabula M and Gwayi-Chore M and Legge H and Yard E and Kalua K and Ibikounlé M and Ajjampur S and Means A and Ásbjörnsdóttir K and Halliday KE and Walson JL}, title = {Development and application of an electronic treatment register: a system for enumerating populations and monitoring treatment during mass drug administration.}, abstract = {

We developed an electronic treatment register for the DeWorm3 Project, a cluster-randomised, controlled trial in Benin, India, and Malawi testing the feasibility of interrupting transmission of soil-transmitted helminths through community-wide mass drug administration. The electronic treatment register was designed in xlsform, deployed via the SurveyCTO mobile data collection platform, and implemented on smartphones running the Android operating system. The versatile system enables collection of census and treatment status information, facilitates data aggregation and visualisation, and permits real-time feedback loops during implementation of mass drug administration. Here we describe the system's design and use within the DeWorm3 Project and key features, and by sharing the register here, we hope our readers will further explore its use within their research and disease-control activities.

}, year = {2020}, journal = {Global health action}, volume = {13}, pages = {1785146}, month = {12/2020}, issn = {1654-9880}, url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/16549716.2020.1785146?needAccess=true}, doi = {10.1080/16549716.2020.1785146}, language = {eng}, }