@article{96247, keywords = {Australia, Buruli ulcer, Mycobacterium ulcerans, bacteria, transmission, vector-borne infections}, author = {Linke J and Athan E and Friedman D}, title = {Correlation between Buruli Ulcer Incidence and Vectorborne Diseases, Southeastern Australia, 2000-2020.}, abstract = {

Researchers have hypothesized that mosquitoes are vectors involved in Mycobacterium ulcerans transmission. Previous findings of a correlation between incidence of M. ulcerans, which causes Buruli ulcer, and locally acquired vectorborne diseases in southeastern Australia further strengthened this argument. However, our updated data indicate that this correlation has not continued beyond 2008.

}, year = {2021}, journal = {Emerging infectious diseases}, volume = {27}, pages = {3191-3192}, month = {12/2021}, issn = {1080-6059}, url = {https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/27/12/pdfs/20-3182.pdf}, doi = {10.3201/eid2712.203182}, language = {eng}, }