@article{96818, keywords = {Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, Health Policy}, author = {Andersen MM and Varga S and Folker AP}, title = {On the definition of stigma}, abstract = {

Background: There are thousands of papers about stigma, for instance about stigma's impact on wellbeing, mental or physical health. But the definition of stigma has received only modest attention. In “Conceptualizing stigma” from 2001, Link and Phelan offer a thorough and detailed definition of stigma. They suggest that there are six necessary conditions for stigma, namely labelled differences, stereotypes, separation, status loss and discrimination, power, and emotional reaction. This definition is widely applied in the literature but is left mainly uncriticized. Method: We submit the Link and Phelan definition of stigma to a systematic conceptual analysis. We first interpret, analyze and reconsider each of the six components in Link and Phelan's definition of stigma, and on the basis of these analyses, we secondly suggest a revised definition of stigma. Result: The Link and Phelan definition is thorough and detailed, but includes redundant components. These are status loss and discrimination, and emotional reaction. Conclusion: We suggest that groups, not individuals, are the target of stigma, though it is individuals who may be the victims of it. We suggest a revised definition of stigma that is more simple, precise, and consistent with the empirical literature on stigma; there is stigma if and only if there is labelling, negative stereotyping, linguistic separation, and power asymmetry

}, year = {2022}, journal = {Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice}, publisher = {Wiley}, issn = {1356-1294, 1365-2753}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/jep.13684}, doi = {10.1111/jep.13684}, language = {eng}, }