@article{97981, keywords = {Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, General Medicine, Health (social science)}, author = {Dean L and Ozano K and Thomson R}, title = {Stronger together: evidence for collaborative action on neglected tropical diseases}, abstract = {

This editorial has been written by programme leads at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the UK to condense the learning shared across articles in the "Stronger Together: Evidence for collaborative action on NTDs from the COUNTDOWN consortium published in International Health supplement".

}, year = {2023}, journal = {International Health}, volume = {15}, pages = {i1-i5}, publisher = {Oxford University Press (OUP)}, issn = {1876-3413, 1876-3405}, url = {https://academic.oup.com/inthealth/article-pdf/15/Supplement_1/i1/49573376/ihad004.pdf}, doi = {10.1093/inthealth/ihad004}, language = {Eng}, }