01655nas a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001100001600042700009200058245009400150856006400244520123700308 2015 d1 aCollinson S1 aAge and Disability Consortium - ADCAP (Age and Disability Capacity Building Programme) 00aMinimum standards for age and disability inclusion in humanitarian action: pilot version. uhttp://www.asksource.info/node/71207#sthash.9R9z54DI.dpuf 3 a

This pilot version of the Minimum Standards for Age and Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action has “been developed for use by all practitioners involved in humanitarian response, including staff and volunteers of local, national, and international humanitarian agencies, with the expectation that the inclusion of people with disabilities and older people is feasible at every stage of the response and in every sector and context. The Standards are intended to inform the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian programmes; to strengthen accountability to people with disabilities and older people; and to support advocacy, capacity-building and preparedness measures on age and disability across the humanitarian system.

Please send feedback and suggestions to ADCAP@helpage.org.

[Copyright © HelpAge International 2015 on behalf of the Age and Disability Consortium = a group of seven agencies working to promote age and disability inclusive humanitarian assistance: CBM, DisasterReady.org, Handicap International, HelpAge International, IFRC, Oxford Brookes University and RedR UK ].