01127nas a2200241 4500000000100000008004100001653002400042653001200066653000900078653001000087653001500097653000900112653001100121653001100132653001600143100001200159245003000171856007900201300001000280490000600290520057500296022001400871 2013 d10aRNA, Ribosomal, 16S10aPoverty10aNoma10aMouth10aMicrobiota10aMale10aHumans10aFemale10aBirth Order1 aMarck K00aNoma: a neglected enigma. uhttp://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/langlo/PIIS2214-109X(13)70035-4.pdf ae58-90 v13 a
Noma is a disease surrounded by riddles. It manifests itself only in the poorest populations in developing countries, enclosed by ignorance and extreme poverty. The worldwide prevalence of noma is unknown—estimates range from 30 000 to 140 000 cases.1 Most cases of noma worldwide occur in the so-called noma belt, which is situated directly south of the Sahara and runs across Africa from Senegal to Ethiopia. Another puzzle is that child mortality and malnutrition are prevalent on the Indian subcontinent, but noma is not reported there.