01391nas a2200181 4500000000100000008004100001653001100042653001700053653000800070653002200078653000900100100001400109245012900123856007000252300000700322490002000329520086000349 2017 d10aHealth10aIntervention10aSCT10aBehavioral health10aNTDs1 aAhmed YAA00aA study on behavioral health interventions for neglected tropical diseases: What is missing in current health interventions? uhttp://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1147118/FULLTEXT01.pdf a300 vBachelor Thesis3 a

Aim: The aim of this paper is to provide a deeper understanding of the spread of NTDs but to also determine what is missing in the health interventions that are conducted in the countries affected by NTD.

Method and theory: The method used in this paper is the theory testing approach which is the Social Cognitive Theory. Development in the 1970s by A. Badura, it’s based on the concept of interaction between personal, environmental and social factors.

Results: The results showed that both the previous research and today’s health interventions lack the understanding of the roll social and personal factors play in the spread of NTD. They mainly target the environmental factors and medical. Therefore, the NTDs are still endemic despite the effort during many years.