01245nas a2200121 4500000000100000008004100001260003400042100000600076700001400082245006900096856010800165520085000273 2021 d bUniversity of Groningen Press1 a 1 aWadagni A00aImproving Buruli ulcer control: steps towards decentralized care uhttps://research.rug.nl/nl/publications/improving-buruli-ulcer-control-steps-towards-decentralized-care3 aThe studies presented in this thesis were conducted in Benin, one of the countries in West Africa most affected by Buruli ulcer. We contributed in various ways to improve detection and management of Buruli ulcer, and describe the evolution of the epidemiology and pathogenicity of Buruli ulcer in Benin. We present the results of the evaluation of a novel diagnostic confirmation test for Buruli ulcer, as well as the effectiveness of a pilot project of decentralization of care as a strategy for the control of Buruli ulcer. We discuss the role of surgery in the treatment of Buruli ulcer through a randomized clinical trial to assess the effect of postponing the decision to include surgical treatment in the management of Buruli ulcer, and through a survey on surgical practice in different hospitals providing care for Buruli ulcer patients.