01543nas a2200169 4500000000100000008004100001260002300042653002800065653003100093653002700124100001300151245010700164856009800271300000900369520097000378022002501348 2021 d bInforma UK Limited10aGeneral Social Sciences10aGeneral Health Professions10aHealth(social science)1 aMorris F00aProspects for employment of persons with disabilities in the post-covid-19 era in developing countries uhttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09687599.2021.1932757?scroll=top&needAccess=true a1-203 aThe global environment has been hit with a pandemic of cataclysmic proportion. The COVID19 has created havoc on all countries and has claimed the lives of over 3 million individuals and affected over 100 million persons at the time of writing this paper. Countries have been forced to implement measures to safeguard their population. Included in these measures is work from home strategies. The crisis, whilst catastrophic in nature; has created some opportunities for groups such as persons with disabilities through remote employment. The author examines through a case study, the prospects for employment of persons with disabilities using the concept of remote employment. The Business Process Outsourcing sector is the focus of study. The fundamental question to answer in the study is to what extent can the Business Process Outsourcing sector employ more persons with disabilities in the Post-COVID19 era? The article is completed with some recommendations. a0968-7599, 1360-0508