01610nas a2200145 4500000000100000008004100001260005800042100001600100700001500116245009000131856014200221490000600363520107000369022002501439 2022 d bEuropean Centre for Research Training and Development1 aEtokwudo SO1 aOleribe OO00aWhy Nigeria Must Care for, Eliminate and Eradicate Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) uhttps://tudr.org/id/eprint/417/1/Why%20Nigeria%20Must%20Care%20for%2C%20Eliminate%20and%20Eradicate%20Neglected%20Tropical%20Diseases.pdf0 v73 a

This paper thoroughly reviewed why Nigeria needs to care for, eliminate, and eradicate the neglected tropical disease (NTDs). The paper relied on the review of related literature to sufficiently expound on intervention, accomplishments, disadvantages, and techniques of eradication and elimination of NTDs in Nigeria. It has been documented that NTDs affect about two billion people worldwide, accounting for a quarter of the world's population, with Africa accounting for over 40% of those affected. Although neglected tropical diseases are preventable and treatable, a significant amount of funds has been invested to eradicate and eliminate them. NTDs are diseases of the poor, according to reports, and efforts to eradicate them must address the causes of poverty as NTDs can cause a variety of problems. This paper suggested ways to eradicate NTDs in Nigeria including strengthening public health systems and supporting governments in the elimination of NTDs and limiting the transmission of disease pathogens by effective vector control among others.

 a2516-0400, 2516-0419