01436nas a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001260000900042100003800051245008200089856010400171520105100275 2022 d bPAHO1 aPan American Health Organization 00aLeishmaniasis: Epidemiological Report for the Americas. No.11 (December 2022) uhttps://iris.paho.org/bitstream/handle/10665.2/56831/PAHOCDEVT220021_eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y3 a

This report presents a detailed analysis of 2021 data on leishmaniases in the Region of the Americas and includes a series of infographics with specific data on cutaneous and mucosal leishmaniasis in endemic countries. In addition, it describes the trend of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in the period 2001-2021 and includes partial analyses of the goals of the Plan of Action to strengthen the surveillance and control of leishmaniases in the Americas 2017-2022. Preliminary analyses of targets and indicators show that, at the regional level, the goals were not achieved. However, progress has been made towards the goals of reducing the incidence of visceral leishmaniasis and reducing cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis in children under 10 years of age. On the other hand, if the country targets are analyzed, several met or made progress towards the targets compared to the baseline, demonstrating the commitment and effort of the Ministries of Health to improving the quality of surveillance, care and control of the disease.