01527nas a2200181 4500000000100000008004100001260002400042653002100066653002500087100001600112700001200128245013300140856007700273300001000350490000700360520095300367022002501320 2023 d bAkiNik Publications10aGeneral Medicine10aTraditional medicine1 aChoudhury A1 aHasan I00aTherapeutic activity of medicinal plants and their derivatives in controlling mosquito vector-borne diseases in north-east India uhttps://www.dipterajournal.com/pdf/2023/vol10issue1/PartA/10-1-1-961.pdf a07-140 v103 a

North-east India is one of the highly affected region by mosquito-borne diseases. MBDs cause major hindrance in the lives as well as survivability of people here. The most reported mosquito vector-borne diseases here are Malaria, Dengue, Japanese encaphalities, Lymphatic filariasis and Chikungunya to name a few. While the hot and humid climate is one of the factor for widespread distribution of mosquito species in North-eastern states, it is also bestowed with abundant medicinal plants which can be used for the treatment of MBDs. The long-standing innate connection between the ethnic groups and the environment, particularly with plants, has given contemporary civilization access to a wide range of herbal treatments. This study mainly focuses on the present scenario of MBD in north-eastern states of India and the therapeutic uses of plants endemic to this region which have medicinal properties to cure or prevent such diseases.

 a2348-7941, 2348-5906