TY - JOUR KW - Snakebite envenomation KW - Snakebite control AU - GutiƩrrez JM AU - Fan HW BT - Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene C1 -


DO - 10.1093/trstmh/try104 IS - 12 J2 - Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. LA - eng PY - 2018 SP - 523 EP - 526 T2 - Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene TI - Improving the control of snakebite envenomation in Latin America and the Caribbean: a discussion on pending issues. UR - https://watermark.silverchair.com/try104.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAmQwggJgBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggJRMIICTQIBADCCAkYGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMJ1Xaui0bUdd8OcPUAgEQgIICF3AG6i2NMWonddJN4_GHHkS0QvP5PzttcPQ2CL-OVVjhF9_H VL - 112 SN - 1878-3503 ER -