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Mainstreaming of gender equality, disability and social inclusion in WASH in health-care facilities

In keeping with the commitment of Leaving No One Behind, WHO South-East Asia Region developed the “Toolkit on mainstreaming of gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) in WASH in health-care facilities (2023)”. This toolkit is aligned with the WHO-UNICEF ‘Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Health care facilities - Practical Steps to achieve universal access to quality care’ and provides detailed step-by-step guidance to integrate GEDSI in the ‘8 practical steps’ outlined in this document. The toolkit also reinforces integration of GEDSI priorities in the Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool (WASH FIT), which contributes to Step 4 of the 8 practical steps. This e-learning course is based on this toolkit and offers an opportunity for self-paced interactive learning on the issue.

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