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Package of interventions for rehabilitation: module 1: introduction

The Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation outlines essential rehabilitation interventions for 20 health conditions, complete with necessary assistive products, equipment, and skilled workforce details. As a vital planning and budgeting resource, it facilitates the integration of rehabilitation services into national health systems. The package is structured with an introduction and seven disease area-specific modules, offering detailed information on rehabilitation interventions and required resources. Web annexes further augment these modules with evidence supporting the included interventions.

The linke above will re-direct you to the first Module: Introduction. In total there are eight modules in the package, which you can access through the links below:

Module 2: Musculoskeletal conditions

Module 3: Neurological conditions

Module 4: Cardiopulmonary conditions

Module 5: Neurodevelopmental disorders

Module 6: Sensory conditions

Module 7: Malignant neoplasm

Module 8: Mental health conditions

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