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Skin-NTD capacity building training-Nepal 2023

The following three presentations were created for a Skin-NTD capacity building training, initiated by Leprosy Control & Disability Management Section (LCDMS), Epidemiology & Disease Control Division (EDCD), Ministry of Health & Population, Nepal and facilitated by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia/WHO Nepal and The Leprosy Mission Nepal and the following three presentations were created. The main audience of the training were dermatologists, however, the content of the resources can be useful for health workers, project staff, and students interested in Skin NTDs; as well as trainers and. If you need to conduct a training or information session; these three resources may be of relevance and use to you.

  1. WHO Skin NTDs Strategic Framework: This Presentation takes the audience through the WHO’s Strategic Framework for Integrated Control and Management of Skin-Related Neglected Tropical Diseases (2021 – 2030); and introduces the SEARO toolkit that is being developed. As the WHO document is a global document it is important that countries adapt the framework to address the skin NTD needs within their context. For this purpose, SEARO is working towards developing a toolkit for skin NTDs to strengthen health system capacity on case detection, diagnosis, and response (treatment, case investigation, targeted MDA, or referral) of skin NTDs in SEARO countries.
  2. Integrated Skin NTDs: CL and PKDL: This presentation was created by Dr. Niraj Parajuli sr. Consultant Dermatologist National Academy of Medical Science(NAMS), Bir Hospial . It defines what is meant by Skin NTDs and provides an overview of the different types. The main topic of the presentation is the pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and management of Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), and Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL).
  3. Subcutaneous Mycoses: This presentation was created by Prof. Dr. Sabina Bhatta (Kathmandu Medical College). It is a comprehensive presentation on different types of Mycoses. For each mycosis, the definition and etiology, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnosis, course, and treatment are provided. There is also a short section on Buruli Ulcer.

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