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Global burden of disease study at the world health organization:
research methods for the most comprehensive global study of disease and
underlying health policies


The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) is a compass that navigates researchers and clinicians in discovering the latest knowledge and the current status of health for populations and countries worldwide. The GBD helps to present various methods in evaluating health-related quality of life and assess the health burden, economic burden, years of life lost, and healthy life-years lost from each disease. Beforehand, the details and development status of the dataset need to be identified, and the advantages and disadvantages of each research methodology should be analyzed. The aim of this paper is to help readers comprehend the above basic knowledge of GBD above a certain level. This paper also exemplifies some recent studies to help readers who yearn to understand in detail the latest research using GBD.

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Journal Article
Smith L
Shin JI
Hwang SY
Tizaoui K
Dragioti E
Jacob L
Kostev K
Lee SW
Koyanagi A

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