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Is the neglected tropical disease mass drug administration campaign approach an effective strategy to deliver universal health coverage? A case study of the Liberia neglected tropical disease programme


Access to affordable, quality healthcare is the key element of universal health coverage (UHC). This study examines the effectiveness of the neglected tropical disease (NTD) mass drug administration (MDA) campaign approach as a means to deliver UHC, using the example of the Liberia national programme.

We first mapped the location of 3195 communities from the 2019 national MDA treatment data reporting record of Liberia. The association between coverage for onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis treatment achieved in these communities was then explored using a binomial geo-additive model. This model employed three key determinants for community ‘remoteness’: population density and the modelled travel time of communities to their supporting health facility and to their nearest major settlement.

Maps produced highlight a small number of clusters of low treatment coverage in Liberia. Statistical analysis suggests there is a complex relationship between treatment coverage and geographic location.

We accept the MDA campaign approach is a valid mechanism to reach geographically marginal communities and, as such, has the potential to deliver UHC. We recognise there are specific limitations requiring further study.

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Journal Article
Tate A
Kollie K
Senyonjo L
Sturrock H
Downs P
Bush S
Bedell A
Molyneux D