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A study of issues related to health and hygiene in Kantharpura village.


The main thrust of this research paper is to analyze sociologically the issues related to the health and hygiene among the population of the Kantharpura village in Tilakwada Taluka of Narmada district in Gujarat. The main focus is on infrastructure, awareness and governmental schemes. The sample consists of 30 households belonging to different caste groups and class groups. The data is collected through interview scheduled and observation and the method is field study. The collected data is analyzed sociologically from the conflict perspective.

The main objectives of the study are–

  • To find out the facilities and infrastructure related to health
  • To know the awareness among the people regarding hygiene
  • To find out the governmental role in improving the health and hygiene.

The data clearly indicates that although the level of knowledge regarding hygiene is high in Kantharpura, it is not translated into practice by them. As a result many suffer from various diseases and their lack of faith in modern medicines causing them more troubles. It is found that there are lack of medical facilities and infrastructure; lack of doctors and nurses; and lack of awareness programmes in the village. As a consequence, they are deprived of safe drinking water, lack of training and modern education. These are the main responsible factors leading to unhygienic conditions and ill health.

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Journal Article
Makwana D
Xavier M S

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