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When to replicate systematic reviews of interventions: consensus checklist

Replication is an essential part of the scientific method, yet replication of systematic reviews is too often overlooked, and done unnecessarily or poorly. Excessive replication (doing the same study repeatedly) is unethical and a cause of research wastage. This article provides consensus based guidance on when to replicate and not replicate systematic reviews.

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Journal Article
Tugwell P
Welch V
Karunananthan S
Maxwell LJ
Akl EA
Avey MT
Bhutta ZA
Brouwers MC
Clark JP
Cook S
Cuervo LG
Curran JA
Ghogomu ET
Graham IG
Grimshaw JM
Hutton B
Ioannidis JP
Jordan Z
Jull JE
Kristjansson E
Langlois EV
Little J
Lyddiatt A
Martin JE
Marušić A
Mbuagbaw L
Moher D
Morton RL
Nasser M
Page MJ
Pardo Pardo J
Petkovic J
Petticrew M
Pigott T
Pottie K
Rada G
Rader T
Riddle AY
Rothstein H
Schüneman H
Shamseer L
Shea BJ
Simeon R
Siontis KC
Smith M
Soares-Weiser K
Thavorn K
Tovey D
Vachon B
Valentine J
Villemaire R
Walker P
Weeks L
Wells G
Wilson DB
White H

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